Aquarius how to know your rashi

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As you happen to be born in this ascendant sign, stars indicate that Aquarius are of average height, with black hair and good physique.


Aquarius enjoy reading and have a strong fascination for languages. Aquarius are an orthodox person believing in and abiding with customs and traditions. Aquarius are like a hardworking bull, and your determination drives you to a point where you can always make ends meet, and because Aquarius are adamant, Aquarius make it a point to complete what you have started. Aquarius have a pleasing personality and a friendly nature. At the same time, Aquarius are generous and very frank, have good foresight, but the only flaw that you have is delay in implementation of plans. Aquarius happen to be amongst the lucky few who do not belong to the STARDUST clan, hence you do not pour social sewage into another's ear. Aquarius always stay away from the gossip circle.


Aquarius are friendly and fascinating people. They have in-depth knowledge about various subjects and you can converse with them for hours without getting bored. They are capable of giving a lot of love that can be amazing. They have a very broad outlook of life and you can relax in their presence. They will always welcome your ideas and actions about humanitarian causes. To keep an Aquarius lover interested you must possess that mysterious and intriguing quality. Once hooked they will always be very faithful to you.

Do not expect or plan a normal, simple and predictable life with an Aquarius partner. Aquarians are totally unpredictable. They can go to any direction without giving any advance notice. They are basically very restless and get bored easily. Though they are very friendly, do not expect them to reveal their inner most feelings to you (they never will). They can be detached and impersonal, which may seem strange to others.

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